Tuesday, September 21, 2010

All Grown Up!

This is one of those really happy, but kind of sad posts. You know, bittersweet. I think it's only one of a lot of these events for me this year.
Today my baby is 18 years old.
Just like everyone else I wonder where the time went. Seems like yesterday she started kindergarten and unlike some of the other children who clung to their mothers she couldn't wait to get into that classroom. Another bittersweet day. You may be wondering about the picture. This is Pooky. My daughter and I made him when she was a little thing (before that first day of kindergarten). He's kind of worn and covered with fuzz balls but she's still proud of this creation.



B J Elder said...

They do grow up. Just think of all the wonderful memories that have been created over the last 18 years... and more to follow. Pooky is great, what a treasure.

Shay said...

Bittersweet Char. They do grow up fast!

Vesuviusmama said...

Wow! Your baby is all grown up! When I walk around campus and see the young men, I always marvel at the fact that my little guys are going to be big like that one day. From what everyone says, it will be sooner, rather than later. Gotta remind myself to enjoy every possible moment of their youth with them.