It's a pretty bad day here as far as the weather. We have a little of everything, snow, sleet and rain. Yucky!
It's looking kind of bright in my sewing room though. I've finished a few more blocks, this picture isn't very good the colors are much brighter. I will make 1-2 more of each color. If I only make 2 of each color this quilt will have a big border and I don't think I want that. So I'm really leaning towards 3 of each color. They're so easy to make, I should finish them soon. 
Also I made a little table runner. I have more blue strings than any other color. So here I've paired them with some Osnaburg. I cleaned and re-organized the closet in my sewing room. Wow, some of the things I found I didn't even remember. Lots of scraps from costumes and clothing I'd made my daughter. I found a fleece jacket I'd made for myself and all it needed was button holes. I even found the buttons. This is how I found the Osnaburg. It's very old. I found lots of linen also but no neutral colors, and the cotton knit! I will keep all of the linen but, I have 4 boxes of knit, twill and fleece that will be donated to a nice home! Oh and some poly cottons from back in my doll making days!
I'm thinking of doing a bit of hand embroidery on this one while I watch TV with my wonderful husband this weekend.
I'm working on a giveaway for my birthday at the end of the month. Stay tuned!

Okay do you think you have enough fabric?
I adore the string quilt. I've made heaps of them but never one block in a single colour like you're doing and it looks fantastic.
And every time I come here I see your picnic parade quilt in your header and want to run and cut into my fabric to copy your quilt. I think that one will have to be next one my list...
I love string blocks - great stash/scrap tamers. I usually do them with a white or off-white, but liking the black or even a charcoal for the next one.
Wow, your closet looks great, lots of bright and cheerful fabrics! Want to come organize mine now?
I went through a doll making phase years ago and had a lot of poly-cotton also. It finally went to my guild's annual auction a few years ago.
What a spot of sunshine in a gray, cold world right now! Beautiful!
A Wow for My Wednesday- Your quilts are amazing!!!!!! Love, Em
wonderful! love your fabric nook! looking forward to the prize you're working on...
What great string blocks. Your blue projects are fabulous. It is so fun to find treasures while cleaning, it almost makes it worth it!
A very tidy closet and full of fabric!
I love your bocks, I really like those colours, How wide are the strips? and each block? I'm a begginer in this world of Patchwork, is it so easy to make? Your quilt will be so beautiful...!!!
I love all your quilts, they make me feel happy only looking at them, they are so colourful...!
Thanks for your help and congratulation for your great work.
Greetings from Spain
Beautiful Gorgeous Quilts!
Love the idea of creating string blocks of just one color and combining them. I did a courthouse steps in strings where each block was just from a single color and then the blocks were set in rows.
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