Saturday, May 4, 2024

Gray May Day!

 It’s a drizzly gray end of the week here in beautiful Hatfield Pa. It was 90 degrees at the start of the week. Today we hope to reach 60. The trees and the flowers are popping out all over and so are my allergies! 🤧 

Here’s what’s blooming now.

This weekend I’m hoping to get a few annuals and veggies purchased so I can get my garden and my too numerous to mention porch pots started. 
As usual I worked on a few bowls this month.

I made a few scrappy yellow items including the Criss cross stars.

So that brings me up to date with scraps and I’m really happy Pink is the color for May! I have tons of pink, most of my fabric is pink! This is really funny because before my 40s I didn’t like pink at all. 

I’ll spend next week playing with the pink scraps and starting a new Plus quilt. Oh and digging in the dirt! 😆

Enjoy your weekend and check out the beautiful makes at RSC2024. 

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Taxes = Not Much Sewing!

 It was another one of those weeks that went a little too fast. I have no idea where the time went, of course I did have to finish the taxes !🤬 It was raining and windy most of the week so no gardening but I was able to make plans for the garden.

My daughter sent me pictures of flowers from her garden on the dining room table and I noticed she’s still using a Halloween table runner I made for her college apartment. 🤭 Of course I had to make her a new one. She wanted color, this is the start.

I started a new evening crochet project with yarn from Barnyard Knits. This is fingering weight and the color is Shipwreck. 

Today I’m spending time in the sewing room working on a small project with my yellow scraps.

Check out the other fabulous makes at RSC2024. Have a great weekend! 

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Wow, What Happened to March?

 Well March was a month where I didn’t have many free Saturdays to blog. I can say lots of sewing was done.

I finished the Spring Collection bowls and have actually sold 2 of them!

I actually finished a small table runner made from cotton lawn with a little bit of hand stitching. 

And my latest evening crochet project. It’s a shawl made with a cotton and acrylic gradient yarn.

I pulled out my yellow scraps and noticed I don’t really have many, but in the closet I have lots and lots of yardage and fat quarters. I guess that means I don’t choose yellow much when I’m creating. 🤔

Go check out the RSC2024 makes and have a great weekend!

Sunday, March 17, 2024

National Quilting Day?

 Every year I plan to quilt on National Quilting Day. Of course every year something prevents me from quilting. This year was no exception. Got a text from my niece in the morning that she and my sister were doing a yarn crawl and they were going to stop by because one of the stores was near me.

I did get to start this purple bowl that I will add to my new group of bowls that I’m calling the Spring Collection! 😁

That's the end of my purple scrap play for the week. Here’s a peak at the other bowls in the collection. None are completely done.

I did a very little bit of work on this table runner I started before Covid hit me. Lots more half square triangles to trim. 😒 

Have a great weekend and check out the purple makes at RSC2024.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Rainy Saturday!

 Well it’s been sometime since I felt like blogging. The hubby brought Covid home the second week of February and I’ve been trying to get back to normal. Not testing positive but still have a cough even after Paxlovid and what seems like a million cough meds.

I’ve made a few items, mostly coiled rope of course. 

Medium sized and small.

I also had a few custom orders. One being a challenge to me because it measured 12 x 6 and took me two days to make.

It was huge as you can see compared to the size I usually make! 
I had a custom order for mug rugs as well. This was a very easy make.

Last week I finished the red string blocks, improv and strip blocks.

And yesterday I was able to dig into the purple scrap bin to make my purple star blocks. Yay!

Feeling all caught up on this another rainy Saturday in Hatfield. I hope you have a sunny weekend! 
Check out the purple scrap makes at RSC2024.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Busy Week in the Sewing Room!

 Today for the first time in a long, long time the sun was out when I got out of bed. I hope this means Spring is on the way! 😁 Which means I should start my garden plans.

I had a birthday on Monday. I received lots of goodies from friends and family. Flowers from hubby.

Flowers from my brother and sister in law. 

My favorite gift was turquoise hair dye from my daughter! I can’t wait to use it! 🩵😂

A new spool of rope arrived this week. This is the size I use for trivets and I’ve already put it to good use.

On Wednesday, the last day of January I made two Criss Cross Star blocks to finish up with my green scraps. This is a pattern by Lori Holt.

On Thursday I dumped the red scrap bin. Such a mess! Lots of really old fabric scraps. First I pulled out all of the strips that were wider than an inch. Then I pulled out large chunks. I will use these for a QAL I plan to participate in later in the month. 

I used all of the really small, ugly and unknown fiber content scraps to make another pillow bed for the animal shelter.

Yesterday I made two red Criss Cross star blocks. I think these star blocks will make a great quilt at the end of the year.

This weekend I’m planning to work on red string blocks. I hope you take time to do something fun this weekend. Check out all the red makes at RSC2024.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Week of Fog!

 This was the week of the fog! Warmer temperatures moved in along with rain to melt all of the used to be beautiful but now grey snow. It was like being in a horror movie! The good thing is all of the snow has disappeared. 😃

As it seems I’m still in instant gratification mode I still haven’t started or worked on any of the (pick any number) new quilts or WIPs I said I would start the year with. I had this on the design wall, but took it down.

But I’m still chugging away at coiled rope.😆

I finished these and it was perfect timing because this week I sold the first one I made from this orange fabric.

I worked on this bowl on Thursday after I got the idea right before I fell asleep on Wednesday night.

And of course I had to use a few more green scraps to make this trivet. I haven’t even made a dent in my green scraps yet. I’m thinking maybe a scrappy green table runner would help a bit. 🤔

Check out RSC2024 and enjoy your weekend!