Sunday, October 24, 2021

 It’s been a very long time. I kept telling myself you need to get back to your blog. Of course every day I went down the rabbit hole following other things. I’m really hoping to do better. I’ve never liked Facebook which I only have because of my Etsy shop and I really don’t like all the changes on Instagram. I have always been the “sit quietly and enjoy the pictures” type. All of the in you face, jumping around and music postings on Instagram have really turned me off. Eh, probably just too old to find that stuff interesting. 

I’ve been doing lots of reading and watching shows on PBS. On the sewing front, I’m still completely hooked on coiled rope. I’ve made giant trivets.

I’ve made lots of multicolored items.
Many, many, many bowls/baskets.
I’ve also actually done a bit of quilting recently.
It’s a typical Autumn day in beautiful Hatfield Pa. I plan to make cookies, watch football and crochet.
I hope you enjoy your day!

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